Netzer Sereni

Netzer Sereni

Beit Allenby
Founded 20 June 1948
Founded by Holocaust survivors
Council Gezer
Region Shephelah
Affiliation Kibbutz Movement
Netzer Sereni

Netzer Sereni (Hebrew: נֵצֶר סֶרֶנִי‎‎) is a kibbutz in central Israel. Located in the Shephelah between Be'er Ya'akov and Ness Ziona, it falls under the jurisdiction of Gezer Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 534.


Kibbutz Netzer Sereni was founded in 1951 by 120 members of Kibbutz Givat Brenner, who broke away for ideological reasons. [1] The kibbutz was named Netzer Sereni after Enzo Sereni, a Jewish Italian resistance fighter. Sereni was one of the founders of Givat Brenner. He was parachuted into Nazi-occupied Italy in World War II, captured by the Germans and executed in Dachau concentration camp.[2]

Kibbutz Netzer Sereni was founded by holocaust survivors. It was first called Kibbutz Buchenvald after the concentration camp which many of its founders where there. The name was changed later to NETZER by the "Buchenvald" members. In 1955 there was a national political separation producing a split between the "Mapam" Party and the "Mapai" Party (two labor parties). The Mapai members of Kibbutz Givat Brener moved to Kibbutz Netzer and added the name Sereni.
